
We scan prints, slides and negatives. Each image is scanned individually and viewed one at a time in Photoshop® – correcting minor imperfections, colour imbalances and contrast.

Scanning Prices:[table id=6 /]

Use this calculator to determine bulk scanning prices if your original prints or transparencies are 8×10 inches or less and the desired digital file size is 4×6 inches.

Here’s how the pricing works:

Number of scans

  • 1-50 are $3.00 each scan
  • 51-100 are $2.50 each scan
  • 101-200 are $2.00 each scan
  • 201-500 are $1.50 each scan
  • more than 500 are $1.00 each scan




Please note: The charges apply to each group regardless of total number of scans.  For instance, 55 scans will cost $3.00 for each scan up to 50 ($150.00) then the remaining 5 will cost $2.50 each ($12.50)


Bulk Scanning Info

  • Any number of scans
  • All images are scanned to approximately 4×6 inches at 300 dpi
  • Saved as jpegs
  • Individually adjusted and corrected

Use this calculator to determine prices of scans when the original is larger than 8×10 inches